Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I love you so fucking bad.

I love you so fucking bad that every minute of my life is now painful. I yearn to be free of you and in the same shudder I yearn to be one with you in as many ways as two people can, in screwing, crying and wailing, in the primordial awesomeness that is infatuation.

I love you so fucking bad that I suckle on the pain. I want to lie close enough to you, always, that I am continually aware of the smell of honey or sleep on your breath. I want to press close up against you at night. I want to meet each other in our dreams and make glorious love and fly and defy gravity. If we lie close enough, it might happen. I want to live in your skin and for you to live in mine, for there to be no separation between us.

I love you so fucking bad I want to cook for you then eat with you, cross-legged on the kitchen floor, feeding each other by hand. Though who needs food? You are my food. You are my water. You are my looking glass. I want to gaze at you and not need a mirror to see my own reflection.

I love you so fucking bad I want to be reborn as yours, indivisible with liberty and justice for none. Who needs liberty when you have the heroin that is the love I feel for you?

I love you so bad that I’ll do foolish things for you. I’ll lie and steal for you. I’ll lay myself down in front of your car tires if I think you might leave me. I love you so bad that when we quarrel, I feel as though I’m dying. I can’t breathe. I can’t think straight. I can’t put a sentence together.

I love you so bad that I’ll shout it to anyone who’ll listen. I’ll post it on Facebook, spray paint it on a wall, phone my mother and embarrass myself by going on about you for an hour.

This hurts too goddamned much. I don’t want to love you like this. I want to love you a little. But my love is large and dangerous. Its flames threaten to engulf us and burn us both alive.


  1. I'm embarrassed to admit I've felt this way a few times when I was in love with someone who didn't love me back. Never, never again.

  2. @Rob Don't be embarrassed. You're human. WE are human. We just have to remember we're in charge of our own emotions and nobody can give us permission for happiness.

    1. Amen to THAT, Ben! (And by the way, you write so beautifully!)

  3. This is oddly beautiful. Love can be an all consuming emotion that can bring out both the best and the worst in all of us.
