Wednesday, August 31, 2011

High-Protein Raw Vegan ... with help from Kevin James

I've been working hard putting together a high-protein raw vegan bodybuilding diet for myself and other athletes who want the benefits of eating raw but have protein and energy needs that go beyond that of the average person. The challenge is getting enough protein from sprouts, rice and peas, plus enough carbs that are not fruit sugars. Also, timing of meals and speed of digestion is important: spreading fast- and slow-burning carbs and protein through the day in a way that will prepare me for training and maximize recovery and growth afterward. It's a pile of math, but with Excel templates, the USDA Nutrient Database and other tools, I have a trial version of the diet up and running.

Then, today, I got a remarkable surprise via FedEx from my friend Kevin James Miniter. Kevin is working on the campaign for gay GOP candidate Fred Karger for President. You may know Kevin as the guy in the infamous Marcus Bachmann "Who's gayer?" picture that's circulated around Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere recently.

Kevin knows how much I love fresh blueberries. So he and his friend, Navy Lt. Marla Jo Metz, ventured out and picked seven pounds of giant, ripe, sweet and tart Maine blueberries and shipped them here. (Apparently, he spent several hours away from his duties on the Karger campaign last weekend romping around at a farm in rural Maine.)

I can't think of a better way to kick off the new diet than with these delicious superfood snacks. One additional thing you should know about blueberries -- they freeze well, and once frozen make excellent weapons for beaning unsuspecting pets. (Sure, the pet gets hit and startled, but then they have a little snack morsel as compensation for the insult they've just endured.) Not that I've done this. I'm just speculating.

So a GIANT thank you to Kevin for the timely, heartfelt gift. And to everyone else, wish me luck with the diet!

A final note: Kevin packaged up the blueberries carefully for shipment, padding the FedEx box with a copy of the New Hampshire Sunday News.

To show my appreciation for the gift of berries, I have taken it upon myself to read that entire newspaper, memorizing the more significant passages, which I will recite in a plaintive, sing-song tone for Kevin when I next see him in person.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Everything old is new again

In our rush to new technology, as artists we sometimes don't pay our due to simpler times and the art that has come before. While it's been a staple of music remixers for a couple of decades now to take short snippets from existing work and use them in new projects, the emphasis has always been on NEW. There are many examples of new work that does not simply borrow from, but rather treasures, the past. Here are a couple of delicious ones:

Nataly Dawn is a San Francisco-based vocalist, part of the underground internet sensation duo Pomplamoose. For all of the electronic wizardry the duo display in their other work, Nataly's new iTunes/YouTube single is a straightforward, wistful take on the title song from the 1944 movie I'll Be Seeing You.

Pogo is an Australian music/video artist. He's creating exciting new material in his World Remix Project but one of the thrusts of his work is to take existing intellectual property and re-cut it in a way that showcases the original. Wishery is his homage to Disney's 1951 Snow White.

I hope you enjoy these clips as much as I have. If you'd like to support these artists, each has a presence on the artist funding site Kickstarter.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Best Advice You Ever Got from a High School Authority Figure?

Earlier today, I tweeted the question, "What's the best piece of advice you ever got from a Principal or other school authority figure?"

There were a flood of interesting responses -- far more than I would have expected. 

For what it's worth, here's mine: my High School creative writing teacher Mr. Podas saw my passion, and how I suffered for it. He once told me that for every great thing I might achieve in life, I should expect to be greeted not just with kudos, but with an almost equal amount of scorn, insult, and seeming disgust from those around me. He was right -- at the age of 42, I've gotten plenty of applause and been called truly horrible things so many times, little of it surprises me any longer. 

There were too many responses to post them all here, but I thought I might share a sampling of what you had to say. Some of these are optimistic, some bittersweet, others hilarious. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have:



 Michael Rogers 


 Brett TeSlaa 


 Lily Jaquith 


 Michael Shirley 









 Allison D. Duncan 

 Jonathan Gavaldon 

 Adam Sank 

 Melissa Kreipe 

 Steve Ralph 


 Ryan Blazer 





 Ryan Wardana 


 Brian Eagle 


 Ali McCollum 

 Raelyn Ddub-Girly 

 Rebekah Phelps-Roper 


Thanks to all who weighed in!!