It's a widely-accepted standard that legitimate nonprofits spend at least 70% of contributions on program work. This holds true for both humanitarian and partisan efforts (The Red Cross, Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Whales, Save the Imaginary Goats ...) My BPJ Foundation takes advantages of donated accounting and web assistance so we can pass through a full 100% of receipts. Granted, we pass funds through to third-party organizations who have their own overhead expenses, but only orgs who operate very efficiently.

Over the past half-decade, IRS records show FOX NEWS commentator SEAN HANNITY's Heritage Foundation, which Hannity touts frequently on air, skims over 90% off the top for "private planes, stretch limousines" for Hannity and friends, according to reports, and other undefined "administrative expenses." Again, 90%. Meaning of every dollar Hannity's pontificating extracts from America's pockets, less than a dime goes to provide aid.

This is a detail he has yet to cop to. In fact, when challenged he denies it, despite it's being a matter of public record, verifiable by the IRS. This denial of fact requires no small amount of hubris on his part.
I actually lost sleep over this last night. Hypocrisy in general disgusts me, but there is a special place for those who accept money, allegedly to help others in need, and then spend it on luxuries for themselves.
How, in this regard, is Hannity any different from villainous dictators globally who do the same thing -- spend the bulk of aid money for their own pleasure, amusement or military fortification, while those who were supposed to have been helped continue to suffer?
How, in this regard, is Hannity any different from villainous dictators globally who do the same thing -- spend the bulk of aid money for their own pleasure, amusement or military fortification, while those who were supposed to have been helped continue to suffer?
How can people watch Hannity day after day on TV and not ... I don't know ... THROW THINGS at the screen, or get out pitchforks and torches and go after him for his outrageous behavior?
Every dollar Sean Hannity begs for and gets, then spends on limos and chartered planes, makes the work harder for those of us trying to legitimately help people.
Every dollar Sean Hannity begs for and gets, then spends on limos and chartered planes, makes the work harder for those of us trying to legitimately help people.
He diminishes us all.
The weird thing is, Hannity's fans won't believe you, or even care. The 20-25% conservative "base" (tea baggers) are FOX "News" fans, Sarah Palin fans, think Bush did a heckuva job, and it doesn't matter what stupid/crazy/unethical/illegal thing any of their heroes say or do. . .they love them just as much or more. I mean, Ollie North is in charge of this charity. Trustworty guy, right?
ReplyDeleteGood for you that your organization can pass along the full 100% of the donation!