Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blog / Counter-Blog on Immigration

Another back-and-forth. This time I was disturbed by the latest blog by author and activist Kevin Jackson, author of THE BIG BLACK LIE. Kevin is an African-American who speaks from the political right, and many of his positions are 180 degrees from my own.

Many reading this know I take delight in a plurality of perspective on issues, especially when I can engage with someone like Kevin who is talented with rhetoric. Here, then, is his latest blog and my rather pointed reply.

You can read more of Kevin's original work on his website,

Kevin's Blog:

It was brought to my attention that the US policy on immigration is indeed racist! In the spirit of fair play to the Left, I must right this wrong on behalf of all African-Americans. In order to put this in proper perspective, I will elucidate the immigration policy of the US.

You see, if you cross the border illegally into the US, you are issued a driver’s license, and a social security card. These two documents will allow you participation on America’s welfare system, or what is better known as The Immigrant Lotto! And you are an instant winner!

The immigrant lotto pays off like a change machine, every time, its only delay is to reload with fresh greenbacks! Every winner gets lots of prizes that thankfully for the illegal immigrant become what are known as “entitlements!”

One such “entitlement” is a federally subsidized government home. Illegals can rent it or own it…their choice. But why not own! Because if they fail to pay for it, the Fed will simply keep making the payments for them! The only loser in this part of the lotto is the people who don’t qualify for the Federal programs, otherwise known by Liberals as “The Oppressors of Democrat Voters.”

Next, illegal immigrants are issued a food credit card, a card that replaced food stamps. The beauty of the credit card is that it is accepted by establishments (bars) who serve food (and liquor), so illegals can now get their drink on, without having to convert the old food stamps for cash, then buy liquor at the grocery store. Liquor is a bit more expensive at the bar, however illegals can just think of it as a night out at the American taxpayers’ expense!

Next lotto entitlement is a free education, not that immigrants should bother using it. Why even bother with education, when all a good one will get you is headaches?

With a good education illegals run the risk of becoming “high earners,” thus opting out of the lotto. Let those high achieving ethical right-wing weenies go for the gold, while illegals sit on their lazy asses watching Novellas or The View translated in Spanish (SAP) on that new flat screen TV they got from Rent-A-Center…with taxpayer dollars!

In the education system there is the Super Lotto. If you are an immigrant and can miraculously get into Columbia, then Harvard, well you might fly in under the radar, and who knows…you could become president. A 300 million-to-one chance that you will receivethat benny, however. So again, why bother!

Nevertheless, what the lotto lacks in education bennies, it more than makes up for in healthcare. For now, the US still enjoys the distinction of being the best healthcare system in the world. And as an illegal participant, immigrants are treated to the same service aslegal citizens, without that nagging bill. The “Get out of the Emergency Room Free” card is simply, “No speaky English!”

Other lotto goodies include a government subsidized GM car, a cell phone (in case the First Lady happens by), one’s own lobbyist in Washington, and the right to protest one’s harsh and unfair treatment by America, and illegals get to accuse their newly adopted country of imperialism in the immigrant’s home country…BONUS!

The ‘Blame America’ card: Don’t leave home without it.

Add to this the right to vote illegally in America’s elections, and you have what is this man’s definition of Utopia. If you’re a Mexican, that is!

As an African-American, I am appalled by this racist policy! Had it not been for Dave Perkins—a white man—frankly I would have missed this most racist policy of the Fed.As Dave, my friend and producer points out,

…it’s unfair to penalize Africans for the fact that their country is thousands of miles away, in the wrong hemisphere and across the ocean. They didn’t ask to be born there. Africans should have the same right to walk across illegally into America that Mexicans have. It’s only fair.

I agree! Not to mention, Africa is more than a country, it’s a continent. Africa has 53 countries, not counting disputed territories, and there are many ethnicities to take into account, not just Mexican!

Here’s the wrap:

Dave goes on to say, “Therefore I am calling on Congress to create and fund a fleet of ships whose sole purpose is to go and down both African coasts and pick up anyone who wants to come to the US illegally, feed and clothe them for the voyage, and drop them off just south of Brownsville/McAllen on the eastern Mexican coast. Once there, they will be equipped with backpacks of food and Gatorade and good walking shoes, and they can simply walk across our border just like the Mexicans.”

But that would just be step one towards correcting this most racist policy against African illegals!

Not one iota of concern is voiced in America about the translation of documents into one of the more than 2000 languages spoken in Africa, even the more prominent languages like Bantu in Angola, or Fon and Yuroba in Benin, Amharic in Ethiopia, Fang, Mbere, Punu, or Sira in Gabon,
Darija in Morocco, and so on. Africans are forced to learn English!

Until the Democrats implement this or an equivalent solution, I will be calling them anti-African racists. Join me!

That’s my rant!

© 2010 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere – All Rights Reserved

My reply:


When you publish a blog piece like this, you may find yourself taken to task for your assertions. It's interesting that you're the author of a book called "The Big Black Lie". I fear that through your commentary you sometimes inadvertently personify that title.

Let's look at your current piece, graph by graph:

1) "Let me elucidate the immigration policy of the US."

But then you don't do that at all. You write a sarcastic condemnation of the policy with virtually no fact-based elucidation.

2) "What is better known as The Immigration Lotto".

Better known ... to you, because you've just made that term up, right?

3) Selective presentation of of half truths. Interesting that you point out how immigrants take away this or that benefit from the American system, but don't even mention how much is paid into the American system through payroll taxes. IT'S A GAPING HOLE IN YOUR ARGUMENT.

4) "The only loser is ... people who don't qualify for Federal programs, otherwise known by Liberals [sic] as 'The Oppressors of Democrat Voters."

I've read this graph a number of times trying to make sense of it and can't. I suppose I'm a liberal (didn't know we got capitalized now) and I've never heard of this. I guess I missed something at liberal training camp. Apparently you know things about liberals I don't.

5) "The beauty of the credit card is that it is accepted by establishments (bars) who serve good (and liquor), so illegals can now get their drink ... illegals can just think of it as a night out at the American taxpayers' expense!"

Do you have any -- and by any, I mean ANY -- evidence that this is occurring to a degree that warrants discussion? If so, present it posthaste. Quote a reliable study or even a comprehensive news story on the matter. If not, please PLEASE refrain from comment. You make one damning accusation after the next with virtually nothing but vitriol to back them.

6) "Why even bother with education, when all a good one earns you is headaches?"

Not following you.

7) "... while illegals sit on their lazy asses watching Novellas or The View translated into Spanish (SAP) ..."

As in (5), got ANY evidence, sir? If so, present it. If not, for heaven's sakes, hold your tongue! You're simply spraying conjecturing and we deserve better.

8) "As an illegal participant, immigrants are treated to the same service as legal citizens, without the nagging bill." The "Get out of the Emergency Room Free" card is simply, "No Speaky English!"

First, "no speaky English?" The bigotry you're sweatin' out stinks so profusely I can smell it from here.

But to your factual inaccuracy -- what are you basing this on? Seems like it's your imagination and not actual Emergency Room policy.

I challenge you to query major Emergency Rooms around the country and find a single ONE who doesn't issue (and attempt to collect on) bills to ALL patients completely independent of their legal status.

(Hint: you won't find one. Because that's not how they operate. YOU MADE IT UP, like much of the rest of what you present in this blog.)

9) "Other lotto goodies include a government subsidized GM car..."

Are you aware that GM has repaid it's loan to the US Gov't, and actually did so early? Also, are we still "elucidating?" 'Cause there's nothing in US Immigration policy about this. There's room for rhetoric in a blog piece, but not when you tell us you're here to explain policy.

10) "Add to this the right to vote illegally in America's elections ..."

Can you cite anywhere in either written US Law -- or a credible media source showing US Law being flaunted -- where this is a substantive issue? I'd be willing to entertain this charge if you can. But I suspect you cannot.

I could go on, but this response would be longer than your original post. Let's jump down to your final graph:

"That's my rant."

Yes it is, Kevin. And I'm glad you finally acknowledge what this blog piece is, a rant. The only real elucidation you've provided us is that of the disparity between what you believe and what actually exists.

Better luck with the next one.

Ben Patrick Johnson
Los Angeles, CA

Monday, May 3, 2010

More back-and-forth on SB 1070

There is a Facebook page called 1 MILLION Strong AGAINST the Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

It actually has about 1.3 million followers as of the publishing of this blog. While most of the posts are anti-1070, there are a number of "patriotic" voices speaking out in support of the law. The back-and-forth is fascinating and I keep getting engaged. Here's an exchange from this evening:

Brian K Morris
Houston TX

I am glad to see that this law is gaining more and more support throughout the country. It seems as if people are starting to understand that this law does not infringe on anyone rights. No where in our constitution does it say you have the right to not be asked if you are here legally. Personally, I would be proud to show that I am a legal citizen. But alas, there are still people that think this is an attack on them....

You think that because you look Mexican, or perhaps your family is from Mexico that this law is infringing upon your rights (Let me be clear you is a general term here). You think that YOU are the target because of the color of your skin. You and every other person that looks Latino that is against this law are trying to make it about you. IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU. It’s about the 13 million people that are In our country illegally. It’s about the laws that are being broken not just by illegals but by the greedy companies that hire them. It’s about the moronic politicians that crave their votes. It’s about the thousands of families that have lost children to illegal prostitution rings. It’s about the thousands of families that have lost loved ones at the hands of an illegal. It is not our fault that Mexicans make up the largest percent of illegal immigrants in this country. To be quite honest I wish it were white people just so you and all the bleeding hearts wouldn’t have a reason to sue someone and cry. Sadly my wish isn’t coming true.

My response:


I suspect you'll find few among us who'd argue with your suggestion that America is overdue for immigration reform. Regardless of one's politics, it's plain to see we as a nation have neglected this, and people have suffered and died as a result.

There are a huge number of ways to address the problem. The ultimate solution will surely be a combination of methods.

What I and many others who oppose SB 1070 feel is that this particular tool, while it may be somewhat effective, will extract a human toll so high -- among both legal and illegal people -- that we find it intolerable. In fact, it is so egregious to us that we're speaking out against it even though most of us live nowhere near Arizona and the law's implementation will have little to no impact on our daily lives.

To us it is reminiscent of South African Apartheid, which required Blacks to carry identification at all times. It brings to mind the "papers, please" regulations of Nazi Germany targeting Jews and homosexuals. In the current case, it's not the skin color of the group that will be most (and almost singularly) affected that disturbs us. It's the simple loss of civil rights, and ANY group being singled out, whether deliberately or as a matter of circumstance.

I got challenged earlier today by a Twitter follower who suggested I leave the discussion on SB 1070 to those who live a little closer to the border. I replied that I didn't to live in South Africa to see that Apartheid was a travesty, and if anything, the few hundred miles that separate me from this controversy allow me a cooler, less emotional perspective on things.

I certainly don't speak for all "bleeding hearts". But when THIS heart bleeds, it's for perceived injustice, period. The color of your skin, who or how you worship, and whom you love -- these are of little interest to me.

I doubt my words will change your mind, but I hope it will help give you more insight into why some of us are so alarmed at this moment. We're not ignorant, nor are drunk on the liberal sauce.

We just f'n care.

Ben Patrick Johnson
Los Angeles, CA