Thursday, February 11, 2010

How's that hopey-changey stuff working out for ya?

Sarah Palin. Sigh ... what can we say? (A lot.)

For the moment, this: Did you hear her keynote address at the Tea Party Convention? If you missed it, here's a recap.

There were plenty of moments to make you spit milk through your nose. The one that really got me was when she asked, speaking generally to President Obama, "How's that hopey-changey stuff working out for ya?"

I was struck by the image of a sneering ugly stepsister who's locked Cinderella in the cellar on the night of the ball asking, "How's that dating that datey-princey stuff working out for ya?"

There's a malice to this woman that gives me chills. In 2008, I laughed at her. She quit her job and I thought she had closed the lid on her own political coffin and we were done with her.

Now I'm getting scared.



  1. As ever, agree in principle with Mr. Human Rights Advocate.

    Frankly, I concur with Mrs. Palin & the late H.L. Mencken: our ever-growing government is too big for its britches. Not that, as evidenced by support for annual deficit after annual deficit, Republicans have any significant hand in actually reducing it. What they often really mean (never below a pun!), is downsizing humanist intellectual influences.

    I am thinking back if, as I age, I reserve pointed intellectual invective less for individuals, and more for ideas, & humanity in general? Would that I were wise enough to save the best criticism for myself, as is human nature--not. LOL.

    It is not lost on me that you have oft exhibited leadership by getting your ideas across without a pointed arrow at the tip.

    Thank you again, Mister BPJ, for being a beacon of active empathy.

    -MySpace account: Hyper Intellect
